Funghetti Trifolati
I truly love mushrooms! For a lot of different reasons. They remind me of when I was younger and used to take huge hikes in September in the Alps. I love the smell of the trees right after it has rained, and that earthy scent is very characteristic of places where you can find a nice bunch of porcini. There are infinite varieties of mushrooms, and the beauty of this vegetable is that the flavor and aroma are so intense and delicate that most of the time you do not need to cook them for a long time or add any particular spices. The versatility of mushrooms is so vast that you can have them pretty much with anything you like; pasta, rice, chicken, meat. I really enjoy this particular recipe because it is very simple, fresh and easy to cook.
1 pound mixed variety of mushrooms, such as cremini
2 cloves of garlic, minced
3-4 sprigs of fresh Italian parsely, chopped
2-3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup dry white wine
First, in a large skillet let the oil get hot. Then add the garlic saute until it takes on a golden color, without burning it. When the garlic is ready, add the mushrooms and let them release their juice and reduce for 5 to 10 minutes. At first the mushrooms look big, but they will shrink a lot. Don't worry if it appears to be a lot at first. When the mushroom has released all the liquid and it is reduced a bit, add the white wine and let it reduce for another 5 minutes , until the juice reaches a nice consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. Before serving, sprinkle the parsley on top.
this is one of my favorite way to make them you cook them exactly like I do love them!