Zucchine ripiene
This recipe is somewhat hard to define,because it contains meat and vegetable and it could either be an antipasto or an excellent main course. Zucchini is another incredibly versatile vegetable. I can think of at least five or six different ways of cooking them in an exquisite and tasty way. You can obviously fry zucchini, saute them, you can mince them and make an incredible risotto, the possibilities are endless. I wanted to introduce this specific recipe because I thought that the combination on vegetable and meat has always given me great satisfaction.
5 medium size zucchini
1 egg yolk
1 whole egg
10 ounces of mix of ground veal and pork
3 tbsp of fresh Parmesan cheese
1 whole boiled potato
For the tomato sauce:
1 can of crushed tomatoes
1 onion
1 tbsp oil of olive
The first step is to hollow the zucchini with a sharp knife. Make sure to make the hole inside a good size, so the meat filling can fit well. Then, in a bowl, combine the ground veal and pork, eggs, boiled potato, Parmesan cheese, grated nutmeg, salt and pepper. Next we will stir the mixture. Meanwhile you need to prepare the tomato sauce in a pan. First put a little olive oil, then add the finely chopped onions and the chopped tomatoes. Season with salt. Th final step is to stuff the zucchini with the mixture of meat and add it to the skillet with the tomato sauce. Cook for about 15 to 20 minutes. Serve hot.
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